Authentication Timeouts (504 Error)
Incident Report for GoTo APIs
This week on Monday, 6 August and Wednesday, 8 August (see complete time frame below) a high number of timeouts against our OAuth 2.0 proxy were detected. This would have resulted in HTTP 504 errors.

The first incident was from 2018-08-06 16:05 UTC to 2018-08-06 19:55 UTC.
The second incident was from 2018-08-08 04:23 UTC to 2018-08-08 04:53 UTC.

Our API platform provider was able to resolve the issue.

As a consequence of the error, users may have been logged out and therefore have to log in to integrations again.

Please excuse any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any questions, please contact Support.
Posted Aug 06, 2018 - 16:00 UTC